In my Economic Forecasting course at UW-Madison, I explored several different models to estimate a 12 month forecast of real private construction spending. The proposal, report, and evaluation can be found below.
To remain engaged with applied forecasting methods, I joined FREDcast, where you compete with others to produce the most accurate estimates of four economic indicators, namely,
Real GDP Growth
CPI inflation
Payroll employment growth
Civilian unemployment Rate
Personal Website
I built this website using the Django framework in Python 3. I currently only host static webpages and files, but will work to produce dynamic features in the near future, such as,
Contact Email Form
Graphing Select Economic Indicators
Page with critiques/analysis of recent economic events (and ability to leave comments)
Building the website using Django was probably overkill on my part - but this will allow me to continue to adapt new features and apps in the future when time and interest allows further development. A first order concern is to improve my database to be able to store and query data effectively for these dynamic webpages.
Disclaimer: Please kindly note that the views on this page and website are solely my own and should not be interpreted as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or of any other person associated with the Federal Reserve.